Salted Dark Chocolate Vegan Blackberry Brownies

Salted Dark Chocolate Vegan Blackberry Brownies

What could be better than rich, smooth, dark chocolate brownies? Sweet and bitter all in one. Maybe if you added a fruity component- a little bit of tartness. Sprinkle a little salt on top, and all the sudden we’re hitting four of our five major 

The Easiest, Any-Fruit, Baked Dessert (Vegan Clafoutis)

The Easiest, Any-Fruit, Baked Dessert (Vegan Clafoutis)

Baking tends to be a more time-intensive, technique-heavy form of cooking. But it doesn’t have to be! I’ve recently started making these super easy fruit dessert (vegan clafoutis), and my smile and my waistline are both a little broader. These delicious, cake-like desserts are as 

Vegan Cranberry Banana Bread

Vegan Cranberry Banana Bread

For a long time I thought banana bread might be the best thing in the world. Sweet (but not so sweet you feel the cavities coming in), moist on the inside, crisp on the outside. Fragrant, filling, and not very fussy. I recently realized I had been wrong- cranberry banana bread is better. It’s everything banana bread is, but every bite is punctuated by bright, sharp, sour notes from the gem-like cranberries. The contrast in the flavors is wonderful, and really elevates the already amazing banana bread.

5-Ingredient Vegan Banana Peanut Butter Cookies

5-Ingredient Vegan Banana Peanut Butter Cookies

Well, the title already gave away almost half the recipe, but I still have 3 more ingredients to share with you for these delicious 5-ingredeint vegan banana peanut butter cookies. And a whole lot more to write before I get to those three ingredients. If you’re not interested in learning more about how I got to this recipe, you can click on the link for a print-friendly version to get straight to the baking- if not, follow me in an adventure of laziness, cookies and non-human primates.

Almond Shortbread Vegan Rosehip Cookies

Almond Shortbread Vegan Rosehip Cookies

One of the best parts of the holidays is blending sweet, comforting flavors into warm freshly baked cookies. The cookies I ended up making use a simple, crispy shortbread cookie with sweet, nutty almonds and pops of tart, fruity, winter rosehips. The rosehip cookies are 

Vegan Instant Hot Chocolate Mix, 5 Ways

Vegan Instant Hot Chocolate Mix, 5 Ways

I’ve always been a little frustrated at the lack of vegan instant hot chocolate mix in stores. Don’t get me wrong, I always choose to use a cashew or soy milk whenever I have it around (it does make any cup of chocolate much richer). But 

Chocolate Coated Cranberry Wood Ear Mushrooms

Chocolate Coated Cranberry Wood Ear Mushrooms

Have you ever bit into a chocolate coated candy, and been met with a jelly-like cranberry flavored center, and thought “oh yay! A mushroom!”. No? Well I’m here to make that a possibility for you. These chocolate coated cranberry wood ear mushrooms are perfect for 

Pumpkin, Pecan and Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

Pumpkin, Pecan and Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

This pumpkin, pecan and pineapple upside-down cake is rich, moist and dense without being heavy. The sweet and earthy tones of the pumpkin are enhanced by the nutty quinoa flour, and brightened by the sweet and tangy pineapple shining on top. Pecans add a wonderful 

Easy 4-Ingredient Filo Maple Vegan Apple Tart

Easy 4-Ingredient Filo Maple Vegan Apple Tart

This vegan apple tart is the perfect type of dessert for those days you don’t want to cook, but do want something hot and delicious. There’s no need to make pastry, or precook the apples, just melt a little vegan butter, assemble, and bake. Let 

Tropical Pawpaw Caramel Sauce

Tropical Pawpaw Caramel Sauce

Pawpaws- the soft, sweet, caramelly, custard-like, tropical fruit found across the decidedly non-tropical tasting fruit. The caramel hints inspired me to use the pawpaw, along with coconut milk, to give a common caramel sauce a tropical touch. This pawpaw caramel sauce can be drizzled over