Weeknight Vegan Artichoke Pasta Recipe

Weeknight Vegan Artichoke Pasta Recipe

Dig in, we made vegan artichoke pasta in a thick, creamy sauce. There’s plenty to go around, so please have as much as you want! The sauce has a touch of lemon and garlic, along with the briny richness of the artichoke hearts. There’s the 

Homemade Vegan Seitan Dumplings

Homemade Vegan Seitan Dumplings

If you’re looking for something a little more “meaty” than vegetable dumplings, try these homemade vegan seitan dumplings! The filling is rich and flavorful, and you don’t need tons of ingredients to get you there. Homemade (or store-bought) seitan is the primary filling ingredient. After 

Cranberry Bean Zuppa Lombarda

Cranberry Bean Zuppa Lombarda

Rich and creamy beans, plus stale bread and a flavorful broth gives us this zuppa lombarda (or soup for the Lombards). This super simple and frugal recipe uses scraps of bread, beans, and the bean cooking liquid, augmented with fresh herbs. The origins of this 

Seasoned Vegan Baked Rice Recipe

Seasoned Vegan Baked Rice Recipe

Into the oven, and an hour later you’ll be digging into this delicious, fragrant baked rice recipe. It’s vegan and gluten-free, and is packed full of flavor. Similar to a rice pilaf, our version is made with mushrooms, cashews, and roasted red peppers. It’s seasoned 

Pipián Verde with Mexican Jackfruit and Tofu

Pipián Verde with Mexican Jackfruit and Tofu

Bright, zingy and flavorful, today we’re making Mexican jackfruit and crispy tofu in a pipián verde sauce. Celebrating pepitas (pumpkin seeds), this sauce is simple to make, but surprisingly complex in flavor and oh-so delicious! The toasted pumpkin seed flavor mixes with the spices, charred 

Squash and Kale Vegan Lasagna Roll Ups

Squash and Kale Vegan Lasagna Roll Ups

Like normal lasagna, but neater, tastier, and more vegan! These vegan lasagna roll ups and totally enrobed in a silky, sweet and savory, golden squash sauce. Inside is a super simple and tasty almond-based cheese, somewhat reminiscent of ricotta. Sautéed kale and mushrooms are also 

Savory Mushroom Vegan Hot Water Crust Pie

Savory Mushroom Vegan Hot Water Crust Pie

With layers of mushrooms, creamy herb sauce, and wild rice, this vegan hot water crust pie is the perfect centerpiece to any festive occasion. The crust is crispy and delicious, and much easier to make than a traditional pie crust- and don’t worry, we’ve got 

Creamy Walnut and Roasted Grapes Flatbreads

Creamy Walnut and Roasted Grapes Flatbreads

A classic flavor combination- walnut and roasted grapes- these flatbreads are simply delicious. A creamy, salty and tangy cashew sauce tops the bread (store-bought or homemade), along with shallots, walnuts, and rosemary on these roasted grapes flatbreads. This is one of those meals that shows 

Vegan Mung Bean Dal Fennel Frond Recipe

Vegan Mung Bean Dal Fennel Frond Recipe

For a warm, toasty, stew, this fennel frond recipe mixes the best of flavorful fennel and mung beans together. Mixed with peppers and onions, this warm, smooth and savory porridge has green, vegetal and grassy notes, along with the bright, aromatic nature of fennel fronds. 

Maitake Mushroom Vegan French Dip Sandwich

Maitake Mushroom Vegan French Dip Sandwich

Ever wanted to try a vegan French dip sandwich? This one doesn’t taste like a traditional French dip, but it gives you all the same feels. It’s made with thinly cut, hearty maitake mushroom, a flavorful, stretchy vegan cheese, all placed on a crispy French