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The Best Vegan Mac and Cheese Pizza Recipe

The Best Vegan Mac and Cheese Pizza Recipe

Hot from the oven, it’s the best vegan mac and cheese pizza! Crispy crust, topped with a little hot sauce for zing, and a mountain of warm, gooey mac and cheese goodness. To finish off the carb trifecta, a crumbly, crunchy bread crumb topping makes 

Simple Wild Garlic Recipe- Allium vineale Hummus

Simple Wild Garlic Recipe- Allium vineale Hummus

There’s nothing more satisfying than some good hummus, and this wild Allium vineale hummus is sure to hit the spot! Wild garlic is a delightful edible plant, hidden in plain sight, just waiting for you to discover it and the perfect wild garlic recipe. So 

Garlic and Herb Vegan Nettle Breadsticks (Urtica dioica)

Garlic and Herb Vegan Nettle Breadsticks (Urtica dioica)

Looking for a fun way to eat stinging nettles? Try these vegan nettle breadsticks! By using the tips of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) plants, breadsticks become a much tastier and more nutritious snack. These breadsticks are garlicky and herbaceous, with the flavor of the nettles 

How to Cook Freekeh: A Vegan Freekeh Recipe

How to Cook Freekeh: A Vegan Freekeh Recipe

We set about to answer some important questions for you all today- what is freekeh, how to cook freekeh, and what is a simple and delicious vegan freekeh recipe? From sharing the water to freekeh ratio, to covering freekeh’s nutritional makeup, this post will help 

Vegan Daylily Recipe: Simply Sautéed Daylily Shoots

Vegan Daylily Recipe: Simply Sautéed Daylily Shoots

Soft, silky, mildly garlicky and savory it’s a vegan daylily recipe that really lets you appreciate the subtle flavor and delightful texture of daylily shoots. While these greens are best not tried by beginning foragers, they are a fantastic new flavor to add to your 

Cream of Rice: Homemade Vegan Gluten Free Cereal

Cream of Rice: Homemade Vegan Gluten Free Cereal

Smooth, silky, and perfectly creamy, this gluten free cereal option can be made with just one essential ingredient that you likely have in that stocked pantry of yours- rice! It’s homemade cream of rice, the even silkier and creamier cousin of cream of wheat. It’s 

Savory Vegan Souffle with Herbs

Savory Vegan Souffle with Herbs

Well, first things firsts, I’ve never had a soufflé- so honestly I have no idea if this is in fact similar to a soufflé, but it sure makes me think of one. So this is my savory vegan souffle! It’s light, fluffy, and eggy, with 

Spring Garlic Mustard Ramen Noodles

Spring Garlic Mustard Ramen Noodles

If you’ve got a few packs of instant ramen noodles lying around, you’ve got pretty much all you need for this Asian-style garlic mustard ramen. The other main ingredient is likely growing right in your front yard, or beside your favorite walking trail. Garlic mustard 

Bitter Greens Recipes: 15 Greens and Vegan Recipes

Bitter Greens Recipes: 15 Greens and Vegan Recipes

Bitter greens might not sound appealing, but they are some of the most healthy and delicious foods on the planet. From the biting bitterness of dandelion greens to the mild bitter flavor of kale, these healthy greens come in all shapes and flavors- and even 

Baked Chile Relleno Cornbread Casserole

Baked Chile Relleno Cornbread Casserole

This family-friendly baked chile relleno casserole combines tofu-stuffed chile peppers with a cornbread batter, topped with a slightly spicy Mexican tomato sauce. Vegan cheese adds a delightful (although optional) touch, for a delicious meal that has you coming back for just one more bite, or