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Homemade Mushroom Tortillas

Homemade Mushroom Tortillas

Click Here for a Print-Friendly Recipe Today I wanted to share with you my recipe for homemade, mushroom tortillas. Making your own tortillas is something that sounded like a whole lot of work when I first considered it. Like making your own pasta or bread, 

Curried Lentils and Sorghum for Earth Day!

Curried Lentils and Sorghum for Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day to all! If you’re here to make lentils, it’s at the bottom of the page. First I’m going to pull out my soap box and talk to you about something a little more serious. In a world where snow is falling in 

Roasted Sweet Potato in Cape Gooseberry Sauce

Roasted Sweet Potato in Cape Gooseberry Sauce

What did I feel like eating today? Cape gooseberries- so I made roasted sweet potato in cape gooseberry sauce. The warm, sugary, hearty sweet potatoes add a earthy element to the bright, zingy, sweet-and-sour, pure sunshine of a cape gooseberry sauce, with notes of rosemary 

Spicy Garlic Roasted Chickpeas Snack

Spicy Garlic Roasted Chickpeas Snack

What’s on the table today? Basically the perfect snack. Spicy garlic roasted chickpeas, still a little warm from the oven. On the outside they’re hard and crispy. On the inside, this snack becomes soft, so it just melts in your mouth. These chickpeas are spiced 

The Easiest, Any-Fruit, Baked Dessert (Vegan Clafoutis)

The Easiest, Any-Fruit, Baked Dessert (Vegan Clafoutis)

Baking tends to be a more time-intensive, technique-heavy form of cooking. But it doesn’t have to be! I’ve recently started making these super easy fruit dessert (vegan clafoutis), and my smile and my waistline are both a little broader. These delicious, cake-like desserts are as 

Tomato Masala Stuffed Spaghetti Squash with Corn and Spinach

Tomato Masala Stuffed Spaghetti Squash with Corn and Spinach

Click here for a Print-Friendly Version This tomato masala stuffed spaghetti squash with corn and spinach is one of the more interesting dishes I’ve made. It’s started with Indian spices; then spinach, jalapeños and corn were added- it’s almost like an Indian/South-Western fusion (inside a 

Vegan Cranberry Banana Bread

Vegan Cranberry Banana Bread

For a long time I thought banana bread might be the best thing in the world. Sweet (but not so sweet you feel the cavities coming in), moist on the inside, crisp on the outside. Fragrant, filling, and not very fussy. I recently realized I had been wrong- cranberry banana bread is better. It’s everything banana bread is, but every bite is punctuated by bright, sharp, sour notes from the gem-like cranberries. The contrast in the flavors is wonderful, and really elevates the already amazing banana bread.

15-Minute Sesame Roasted Snap Peas

15-Minute Sesame Roasted Snap Peas

If you’re looking for to prepare peas in a low effort (but slightly more effort than eating them raw) and delicious dish, these sesame roasted snap peas are for you! Rich, savory, and nutty, they are surprisingly addictive and a perfect way to add the taste of Spring to your table (no matter the season). I intended them as a side dish, but the first time we made them they ended up just being dinner- just because we couldn’t stop snacking on them long enough to make anything else.

Vegan Tuna Salad (Made with Jackfruit, not Chickpeas!)

Vegan Tuna Salad (Made with Jackfruit, not Chickpeas!)

This vegan tuna salad (jackfruit tuna salad) is the tuna salad of my childhood- but not only is it dolphin safe, it’s tuna safe! It is perfectly delicious- the tuna texture is courtesy of the jackfruit (not chickpeas, which don’t quite do it for me), 

Stir-Fried Spicy Chinese Sweet Potatoes

Stir-Fried Spicy Chinese Sweet Potatoes

These Chinese sweet potatoes are, above all, spicy. It’s also sweet and savory, but more than that spicy. It’s soft and crispy, but lets not forget, spicy. These spicy Chinese-style stir-fried sweet potatoes use several different heat sources to get their fiery taste and coat